Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's just a game

I try to tell myself that every now and then. However, part of it doesn’t sit right with me. It’s more than that. Games like Hearts and Minesweeper and Solitaire don’t have websites dedicated to them which are updated daily. Every aspect of the game is picked apart, scrutinized, analyzed, studied and documented. They are videotaped and posted on youtube set to some song I’ve never heard of.

It’s a social networking site as well. There are so many people I enjoy talking to on a daily basis where, if the game ended today, I would have no idea how to continue on our conversations. It’s not even game talk. Granted, that is always part of it, but its about news, sports, music, cultural differences, what does a rooster say in Norway opposed to the United States? (you’d be surprised how each country has a different answer to stereotypical animal noises – thank you David Sedaris).

I know people who have met each other playing, then went on to actually meet in real life and become friends. It’s something parents play with their kids, which is amazing.

Everyone gets something different out of it because each person puts something different into it. It’s amazing to see something so huge get broken down to such a level where people ignore the 457 different things available to do at any given moment, and choose to spend 15 minutes typing a forum rant up about the font selection.

According to Wiki, there’s 8.5 million active accounts. That’s more than most cities and even some entire countries. You’re part of something that is growing every day and keeps gaining momentum while it changes, experiments with new ideas, has an open forum for exchanging feedback between the company and customers trying to make it better. The game doesn’t limit you to certain servers so you always have the opportunity to meet new people.

Every time you log in something is different. You can do the same task 30 days in a row, but something will be new about. You’ll get different drops, maybe you’ll level unlocking something new to do, you’ll overhear a conversation which makes you burst out laughing, you’ll learn something new from a stranger with a bit of advice…

It’s fine to log in and get immediately to what you want to do, but do like Ferris Bueller so wisely said and stop and look around for a while.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

War Ensemble

It’s been a month of so since my last post. To be honest, I couldn’t really think of anything to say that would be worth reading. I usually get halfway through something and decide its too boring and not post it.

I’ve been working on Slayer a bit recently. I went from 50-90 tasks complete relatively easy. I used to get really into Slayer, then I would get a task which would require me using a combat skill I wasn’t in the mood for training, and I would just sit on it for weeks. I switched from using Lapalok for every assignment to using Vanaka 1-9 and Lapalok for the 10th. The only time I really bank between Vanaka assignments is to stack up on pots. Mostly I keep a glory, tele runes, Bones to Peaches runes and alch runes in my inventory and I don’t really need much more.

For my 90th I got assigned 187 Gargoyles. I’ve never had them before. Actually, I’ve never been on the third floor of the Slayer Tower before. They weren’t bad, took me about 3 trips, but I got about 15 Adamant Boot drops and 3 G-Maul drops giving me about 700k from one task. I can see why people obsess over it. The little xp you get from it, the lots of CB xp you get from it and the potential for some good cash at the higher skills. It also got me to level 77 Slayer, so I’m happy about that.

I’m closing in on 2000 levels. I’m at 1951 now, with about 7 levels pretty close. I’m also closing in on my year end goal of 75+. Still a bit away, but I’m pretty sure I’m a little ahead of schedule. Either way, by the end of the year on both would be nice. Runecrafting might be the hard one (currently at 71), but with using penguin points towards it each week, I should be fine. I’m gathering plenty of charms so that when I decide on a Summoning push, I’ll be ok.

I tried Mobilising Armies. It seemed pretty interesting. Possibly an interesting way to get rid of some junk items and free up some bankspace. It might be a way for Jagex to get people to cash some of that in as to eliminate junk trades. No real idea what the higher rewards entail. Even if you’re not a fan of the game, you have to be a fan of the fact that its in Feldip Hills. Previously, the only bank around here for chopping Euchs was the one you had to complete As a Last (First? I forget..) Resort for. The bank at the mini game gives an option for those opposed to questing, but want Euchs.

The forums and even some conversations I was in yesterday were full of “I can’t believe they ruined the game again…” talk. Every once in a while they change the interfaces, yes, it happens. Every time some people act like the sky has fallen and threaten to quit and freak out. Here’s the thing. You get used to it. I heard the complaint yesterday “Why do they always completely ruin the game with interface updates instead of giving us more higher level things or more skills?!” My response was simply, “Like adding a pretty huge mini-game that’s been in development forever and announced at least 6 months ago?” Come on, people!

Everyone has the right to complain, but give it a shot. You logged in 10 mins ago. The game isn’t over. Its just such a downer to log in and be bombarded by complaints of doom & gloom. Give it a shot. You might like it in the long run.