Friday, June 11, 2010


Finally got a split at Corporeal Beast. However, it wasn't the big one. Still though, my first Elixir split.

Some day those will be the really big numbers :)

I've grown to love Corp trips. You just need about 7 people, patience to world hop and you really risk a bare minimum if you gear up correctly. I think my risked wealth is around 70k. You can obviously go more expensive, but why bother if you don't have to?

Anyways, been getting my rocks again. I stopped by the fishing guild to use their bank and I noticed the Flinger guy outside. I hadn't done it in a while, so I pop in and there's 1 min to start. It took me a bit to get the combos worked out, I haven't done it in a long time. There's no way I'd be making the podium.

That's when I noticed something weird when I joined...

I was the only one there.

This couldn't be right, they expanded the amount of places the flinger guy hangs out at. On top of that, W39 is usually packed. But then it started, with just me. It was some sort of eerie post-apocalyptic version of the mini game.

I did alright:

Yes, yes I know, only one medal. Like I said, its been a while.

Anyways, I got to know what being on the top of the podium felt like. Kind of unfulfilling if there's no one to look out up. Or that there ever was a doubt of you winning to begin with.

I'm under 100k to a number of levels, so I should get those this weekend.

Congrats to the Blackhawks! Hated to see it, but great job. Now onto the World Cup!

And finally a plea, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE realize that I live in the USA, where the World Cup games are on in the AM and middle of the day. Please don't post any world cup spoilers on here, I'm recording the games until I get home from work to watch them. I'm trying to avoid all avenues of hearing about them until I watch. I don't care about any other sites, but I get these comments emailed to me. I'll love ya for it (not that I don't already!) Thanks!

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