Friday, February 18, 2011

Catching Up

Where to start since last November? Dragon Defenders, return of the Wildy, free trade, the removal of the censor. So much has changed...

I haven't been missing all of this, I've still consistently been playing RS, I just haven't written anything on it. To be honest, everyone seemed to have pretty heated opinions on the subjects, myself included and I just wanted to sit back a bit.

Also, for a while I really lost my motivation in the game. When all you do is bankstand and chat with friends, and not actually 'play,' it doesn't give you much to write about.

I'll do a little recap:
- Got a few dragon defs a few days after it came out. I keep confusing it for a dragon scim in my bank even to this day. I like it. Was hard to get because of the crowds, but I signed on at an odd time and got a couple for myself

-Free Trade & Wildy. What a sham of a "vote." I fully believe they intended to bring it back regardless and the referendum and vote was really just an advertising ploy. I have no issues with free trade. I would have liked to have them set aside a few safe wildy worlds, but they didn't and what can you do? I've been playing for a while. I remember the pre-GE days and the dangerous wildy, so I just went back into that mindset and I don't really mind it. As with anything, you just deal with it. Prices of things went out of whack a bit. However, they kind of did in the same way when the GE was first created. Certain items tanked in value and recovered, the same thing is happening to those same items, so its kind of predictable. Maybe I'll put my money where my mouth is and see if it plays out the same.

-Removal of the censor. Someone brought up on forums that they thought Jagex would institute a voice chat included with the game. My thought process is that they'd never do that, as there's no way to censor it. However, with the removal of the censor, I really think they are going to institute this. Maybe charge a small additional fee along with the service. I've said I've hated it before, but I've come around to using Skype with the game. It makes things so much easier sometimes. Dungeons and Barb Assault come immediately to mind. Also, the removal of the censor was kind of abrupt. I'm older and I'm not really offended by the language, but for so many parents with younger kids playing the game, it seems off. Yes, there is a filter, but the kid can easily access that. If there were some parental control over an account, it might work better. The argument against this seems to be coming from kids. "In middle school I hear cursing every single day." Good for you (apparently this is something to be bragged about?). That doesn't mean you should. In a heartbeat I would cancel my kid's membership if they were in the 10-16 yr old age range.

Ok, those issues addressed. This is going to be a long post. What can I say, I haven't written in a while, bear with me.

So, after a long time of no motivation, an update actually sparked my activity. A seemingly weird one too. The Hati Wolf. Just seemed like a fun holiday-ish thing to do. The paws give you double xp in cb though. That was all it took. I HATE ranging. I've been at lvl 87 for a while now with not a lot of xp to get 88, but I just haven't done it. I am NOT wasting a chance at double xp on this. Plus my HP lvl is at 97 and could use some help. I'm going to use chins for this and after some discussion, the best way to do it is using the void gear. I never entertained the thought of using PC points for anything other than xp. It seemed like a waste. With the introduction of the Void Deflector, I could use the full gear and the paws. On to PC it was. I got all of the gear after doing it. On to Conquest... You start at 1000, but need either 1250 or 1350 to get the deflector, I forget which and can't be bothered to look it up atm.

The deflector I still need. I suck at conquest. If anyone wants to play a few rigged games, let me know. We can both get it.

Jax brought up the return of Survivor. In my inactivity I lost clan status, so if I'm allowed back, I'll be competing in this. I'm also organizing one with my other friends so if the first falls through, I'll have the other. Either that or its just double motivation.

Prepping for that, I've been playing a ton of non-cb Stealing Creation. This has always been one of my favorite in-game activities. I just love the race to gather, process and bank and see if I can make the hiscore. The cc's can be a little annoying at times, but whatever. Those little inconveniences will be worth it when I cash my points in. I'm currently at about 1300 points now and will try to get a lot more before the start of either.

Then I wondered what else is xp boosting that I need. My barb horn has been empty for some time. I started playing that, and currently I've just been concentrating on that. I did enough to get my horn full. I've never owned a penance torso, but I've always wanted one. A few friends have been on a BA kick and I'll usually only defend when I'm with friends. I can be sort of slow at it, but I can do it pretty competently now. I got my points to get my torso and I'm happy. I probably won't use it much, but its one of those things in the game that I just always wanted. I kept playing and managed to get up to level 4 defender (from lvl 1) with lvl 5's in all three other roles. I had lvl 5 atk for a bit, but have recently gone from lvl 2 healer to 5 and lvl 3 coll to lvl 5. I'm on a kick and I'm running with it. I kind of want all the penance parts and my bankspace is currently hating me because I've been on a collecting spree.

If people are free, I try to do a dung. Got up to lvl 67 which isn't high, but whatever. I actually like rushing floors better than doing the big ones. Anyways, that's what I've been up to. I hope you all have been well.