Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Got my 50th Slayer task yesterday. I think the reward was 250, if I remember correctly. Added Black Demons to my "never again" list. They're the first creature I ever put on there. I've been cancelling tasks more often recently. I've come to terms with the fact I'm just a little too weak for Waterfiends just yet.

In the past week I've gotten a Strength, Slayer, HP, Defence level, along with a few others. It's a great feeling when you can get a bunch of levels in a row, but it just means you aren't going to level for a while again.

There's a new Slayer monster coming out soon. You can give your name suggestion on the Official Runescape Forums. Its stated you'll need 78 Slayer to kill it. I'm about 20k xp from 75 at the moment. You know its going to drop something cool, and I want to be able to attack it when its released :)

Finally back home from a long work trip and hopefully can get a little more gametime in.

I need to do the new Missing my Mummy quest and reclaim my Questcape. I just don't seem to have the motivation.

I want to thank TCA for welcoming me aboard on Jax's recomendation. I love my old clan to death, they're amazing people. We just never do anything, and can't generate any attendance to planned trips. Which is sad, because group trips and teamwork are some of the most fun things to do in the game. I'm looking forward to new and exciting things!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Star Find seems to be growing and I hate it. Someone please explain to me what the point of it is? I tagged a size 9 last night after soloing it. There was one other person there. We stood there for about 10 mins going through each of our friend lists scouring for a 90+ in mining (curse this 79 lvl!). It was pretty nice that we were the only ones there. After calls to friends, there were about 5 of us. 1 90+, 1 80+ and the rest of us 70+.

Right before we cracked it to a level 6, a cb lvl 51 shows up, claiming she only has 40 mining. Ok, fine, well wait it out. Two seconds later about 100 people show up. Boom, star is done. I was left with 10k xp. 5.8k from the tag, about 3.5k from the level 7 (with SC pick) and about 1k after Star Find showed up. There’s no excuse for getting 80 stardust from a level 7 star on. How do you not get 200 from a star that big??

Not only are they like a plague of locusts that hop, consume, hop, repeat, they are just incredibly rude people. What’s the point in insulting someone who is silently mining next to you not saying a word? To be obnoxious just for the sake of being obnoxious?

If someone, anyone, out there can explain to me the point of continually hopping worlds for less than 1kxp from a size 7 star, I’m all ears. You might as well just mine ores at that rate. I love star hunting, with a group of about 4 people. That’s the perfect size. Lately I’ve been soloing a lot. These clans take the whole point of the distraction out of it. As much as I love star hunting, I’d love jagex to put a limit on it like the evil trees. Two a day, regardless of size. Its extreme, and it sucks, but I really don’t see any other way. Every single world is being taken over. Either that or can we have separate servers for those over 25 who are sick of listening to childish insults for no reason?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Virgil Brigman Back Online...

Picked up my laptop last night! Its weird, having the same machine but now all the settings are reverted back to what they were because they replaced the hard drive. So its the same, but competely different. I need a couple of hours to turn off all the unnecessary stuff taht runs for no reason. It's kind of like Cherry 2000, if I can throw an obscure 80s sci fi reference out there. If you haven't seen it check it out. Its like Mad Max meets Terry Gilliam, set in the 80s version of the future. Now that you're completely confused, I'll continue.

Cashed in 45 Penguin Points for over 75k xp in RC to get me to 70. Leaving only Thieving (68) and Construction (66) under 70. Thieving I would have taken care of last night, but I'm having some mouse issues with the reworked computer and going through Pyramid Plunder on a touch pad seems like a nightmare.

My goal for the end of the year was 75+ and I feel like I'm on a good track to achieve that. Prayer, RC and Construction seem like the only ones which will be an issue. Theres about 34 weeks left in the year and using all on RC will bring that to about 78, so I'm sure the last month or so can go to another one of those skills. Who knows, maybe there'll be something that makes me really want to train Con that comes out.

I never knew that Tool Leprechauns noted herbs for you. Ah well, after hundreds of runs I don't think I'll change up my routine now. It's pretty simple. In inventory - 5 air runes, 1 law rune, cabbage port ring, skills necklace, ectophial along with spade, dibber, watering can, 4 herb seeds, 4 marigold seeds and I just use the leprechauns to store my compost/buckets. Ectophial - farm - skills to fishing guild - bank - farm - camelot tele - get flax from Geoffrey - bank - farm at Catherby - bank - cabbage port - farm - glory to edge - done. I tele to edge because I usually make a GE run afterwards to either sell the herbs or sell the marigolds. Marigolds sell for about 3k each and the seeds cost pennies, definitely worth while.

Did a star which took forever to find and even longer to mine. Got about 25k from it. Then did an evil tree which got me under 100,000 for Woodcutting. This amuses me a bit. WC was the last skill I got onto highscores for. It always stood out like a sore thumb. I hated training it. I don't think I got onto highscores with it until I got something like 66 or 67 before I broke onto it. Runescape Wiki now says the lowest to get on is 60 since the increase from 1M highscores to 2M highscores, so that sounds about right. I kind of love it now. Its my 4th highest skill. The Evil Trees, leprechaun magic, stealing creation are all major factors in it. As well as the Adze as motivation to get logs in order to get my FM up.

That said, its good to be back on! Hopefully I'll have something more interesting than just a status update for the next post.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What to do with 20 mins to play...

Haven’t been on much. Laptop should be coming back this week. I’m crossing my fingers it is because I leave for a two week work trip on Sunday and the thought of not having the internet as a fun distraction will lead to mind numbing boredom and 6 hours of ESPN a night.

I’ve been playing 5-20 minutes here and there when I can sneak on. Usually do a stave run and if I have extra time I do a Farming run, check on a star, check on a tree. I managed to get 80 Farming, 79 Mining (trying to push it to 80 for the Stealing Creation games plus level 8 stars). I haven’t cashed in my last 3 weeks of penguin points, I think I’ll have enough to get me to 70 Runecrafting. I’m debating that or Construction, which still sits at my lowest at 66. I’ve only used tears to train it over the past year or so. I just hate how expensive it is. I still have my 400k xp from the Grandmaster quest, with no new skill likely this year, I’m flirting with the possibility of using them. We’ll see.

I can’t wait until I can get a solid chunk of time to grab a few levels that I’ve been close to for a while now. Especially since it has rained all last week and looks to continue all this week. I’d also like to get in about a day of Stealing Creation quick games because I need to stock up on those tools. I go through them so fast, just by doing one or two stars or trees a day.

Wanting to play and not being able to is a bit annoying. Its weird, if I know I’m going to get 20 mins of playing time, I usually spend time before that planning every move so that its not wasted by standing in a bank. Its like login, tree since you’re close to the GE anyway, house teleport, check on star, herb run. If any distraction is somewhat close, then the go to plan is assembling staves and alching, if they’re both over and hour away, note the time and world in case you get to go back on, and work on something that I decided earlier would be my fall back skill, which changes each login. I’ve made quite a bit of money because I’m not really on enough to spend it, I’ll probably just put it towards a skill sometime when I get my computer back.

My outfit has remained pretty constant as well. Seer’s headband, Falador shield, Magic Secauters, Varrock Armor 3, boots of lightness, Amulet of Glory. This pretty much covers everything from stars to trees to herb runs. Inventory has pretty much remained constant as well, Lava Stave, Air runes, Law runes, kindling, tinderbox, one of each pickaxe and hatchet from SC, plus two backup proto tools yet to be transformed. I alter it a little for herb runs, to make room of course. I think I’m pretty well set for whatever they throw my way.

Also I cleared my ignore list. I only had a handful of names and I didn’t recognize any of them anyway. I hate searching for penguins when they’re first released, it frustrates the hell out of me. This way I can play all week and I keep the location of any of those spies I come across in normal travels on my ignore list. This way right before they reset, I only have to find 6 instead of spotting the same one twice several times. If I came across one late Wednesday night, no way am I remembering which one it was on Tuesday early evening. Helps save a little bit of time.
I’m rambling and probably shouldn’t even post this. You should see the amount of un-posted entries I write. Ah well, I’m bored.