Friday, May 8, 2009


Star Find seems to be growing and I hate it. Someone please explain to me what the point of it is? I tagged a size 9 last night after soloing it. There was one other person there. We stood there for about 10 mins going through each of our friend lists scouring for a 90+ in mining (curse this 79 lvl!). It was pretty nice that we were the only ones there. After calls to friends, there were about 5 of us. 1 90+, 1 80+ and the rest of us 70+.

Right before we cracked it to a level 6, a cb lvl 51 shows up, claiming she only has 40 mining. Ok, fine, well wait it out. Two seconds later about 100 people show up. Boom, star is done. I was left with 10k xp. 5.8k from the tag, about 3.5k from the level 7 (with SC pick) and about 1k after Star Find showed up. There’s no excuse for getting 80 stardust from a level 7 star on. How do you not get 200 from a star that big??

Not only are they like a plague of locusts that hop, consume, hop, repeat, they are just incredibly rude people. What’s the point in insulting someone who is silently mining next to you not saying a word? To be obnoxious just for the sake of being obnoxious?

If someone, anyone, out there can explain to me the point of continually hopping worlds for less than 1kxp from a size 7 star, I’m all ears. You might as well just mine ores at that rate. I love star hunting, with a group of about 4 people. That’s the perfect size. Lately I’ve been soloing a lot. These clans take the whole point of the distraction out of it. As much as I love star hunting, I’d love jagex to put a limit on it like the evil trees. Two a day, regardless of size. Its extreme, and it sucks, but I really don’t see any other way. Every single world is being taken over. Either that or can we have separate servers for those over 25 who are sick of listening to childish insults for no reason?

1 comment:

Jax said...

1) Jagex has said they are working on high level servers. Not sure what that means but I'm hoping it will cut back on this. (If they release a high level server I'm packing my bowling bag and moving!)

2) I think 3-5 people is about the right size to hunt for stars. In my home world I'm friendly with another clan that likes to star hunt. We oftentimes will create a chat with a mix of people from my clan and their clan. Anything over 8 people and it's chaos.

I don't understand people who hop worlds to hunt stars either. The XP for them isn't that great (esp compared to granite). The big bonus is in the find and in the cashing in of stardust. Otherwise, you're just better off mining then running around like a crazy idiot.