Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bank on it

I’ve been asked several times from friends if they can borrow certain items for Clue Scrolls. I lend those things out all the time. I don’t really ever think anything of it but last night I was asked a question which explained why I was always lending them out. The reason was a common thing we deal with daily which can be more frustrating than Rat Catchers and harder to deal with than the Chaos Elemental (would have said Corporeal Beast, but that’s all hearsay being I haven’t fought it yet). Who’s the vicious culprit? Bankspace.

With the tabbed bank categories and additional space updates we’ve had in the past year, it’s a little easier to deal with, but it seems that for every additional space there’s about 50 additional items released. I’m not really big on writing guides, I always feel like there’s someone out there who can do it better, but I thought maybe I’d just share how I take care of this issue. Definitely not something to be followed by letter, I’m sure I’m doing things wrong as well, also the customizable tabs let each person fit their bank to their own personality, which is pretty cool. But here’s how I have my bank set up and maybe there’s something in here you can use.

Tabs - I use the max amount possible and have them set up into certain categories that make things a little bit easier for me to find. I picture it as a dresser I have in my room. You got a t shirt drawer and you got a sock drawer. For me, it seems every dresser I’ve ever had, the top drawer has always been my junk drawer. Same with my bank. This is a place I keep a lot of things I grab on the fly and don’t particularly fit into any other category I have. This is where I keep my food, cooked and raw, buckets of sand, flax, seaweed, pineapples, logs, berries, spy notebook, adze, picks, axes, etc. This might make a little more sense after I go through my other categories.

Herbs/seeds - This is where I keep all my various Herblore supplies and seeds. Since I do a lot of herb farming runs, it kind of made sense to keep them together. This includes my mortar & pestle as well as any seconds I’ve been gathering. Since Herblore requires a lot of banking, it just makes sense to have everything together, including vials of water, just for convenience sake. Also, since a herb run is usually very quick, I keep my Ectophial and Explorer’s Ring there as well. I use these for herb runs more than anything, but if I need it for something else, I know exactly where to find them.

Runes/one touch teles - Since there’s so many runes in the game, they might as well get their own tab. If I’m going to be using magic, I know exactly where to go. I also keep my teletabs and pure essence here. This is quick for Runecrafting as well. If I’m not using the Abyss, my altar teletabs are right here. If I’m making teletabs, then I can quick grab the runes and store the made tabs. My Seal of Passage is right next to my Astral teletabs as a reminder that I need it. Most of my altar teletabs are used for star hunting, so this prevents being out at Keldagrim, finding out I have to go to Lunar Isle, but not having my seal on me.

Jewelry - I keep all my rings (exception of Explorers), necklaces, amulets, bracelets together. If someone says “Bring a ring of….” I know where it is. This is helpful for another reason too, by keeping my teleport jewelry together, I can free up spaces by only using one at a time. Having a (2), (3), (1), (4) and uncharged of say a glory, is a waste of space. You’d be surprised how much space you can make available and keep open by not having five different Rings of Dueling with random charges throughout the bank. It also makes it easier for grabbing all of them to recharge.

Combat - Pretty much all my magic equipment is runes which is already taken care of. I don’t really mage as cb, so my robes are tucked away in a closet in my POH. I have two separate tabs for melee and range. This makes it a little easier going from one to another. All my arrows, bows and dhides are in the same place and my armor (including Varrock 3) and melee weapons are in another. Pretty self-explanatory.

Pots - Its like a medicine cabinet. All my pots in the same place. Same with the teleport jewelry, making sure your pots are at the same dosage frees up space. Why have a (3) and a (1) when you can have a (4). This is probably the most common issue I’ve seen. I’ve watched people free up about 20 spots just by decanting their pots, which is even easier now since they’ve added that option at the Herblore guy at the GE.

Clothes - Hunting outfits, shade robes, builder outfit, bomber cap, etc. If I need to wear it, and its not range/melee/cb related its in here. This lets me keep track of sets from randoms so that when I have the proper Construction level to store more and more in my POH, I’m not eating up 3 spaces because I’m missing 1 piece of a 4 piece set.

Clue Items - Mith platelegs, rune platebody, sextant, watch, chart, addy 2h, blue vambs, ect. Since I don’t use a rune plate or blue vambs in cb, only for clues, they’re here. This might be different for you depending on a level. I hate scavaging everywhere because I need to laugh in front of Jokkul, everything is there for the quick grab, to get the clue done with, get the reward, then work on getting another one.

That’s how my odd little brain functions. Like I said, everyone’s different. This way I can see what I’m using and what’s sitting there, useless. If you haven’t used it in a year, chances are, you don’t need it. Here’s some quick tips:

House - keep barely used outfits from randoms, holiday items, armor etc in your house. This frees up a lot of space and its what you’ve been working on construction for, isn’t it? Also if you can get it from free from your house (hammer, chisel, saw, etc), then you don’t need it taking up that precious bankspace. Also, use all your quest obtained books on your bookcase. This gets them out of your bank and if you ever need them, they are always here, even if you take one from the bookcase and lose it, it will always be there again.

Leprechaun - don’t waste bankspace on all your farming items when you have this wee lil fella to carry them for you.

Pots/teles - keep them combined.

Quest item - not going to use again, and its easy to get back again? - drop it. Not to say drop that greegree that was a pain to get, but if all you have to do is talk to Joe down the street, and its free, then don’t sweat it.

Go see the Wise Old Man in Draynor - he’ll see what F2P quest items you no longer need.

Haven’t used it in forever? - I tend to side with the xp, but some might like the cash. Just realized you have 100 oak logs sitting there since you were a lvl 30, 3 years ago? Take a few minutes to get a little FM xp or Con or even just sell them. Use that cash on something you want to use, plus since you already have money in the bank, and its stackable, you’ll find that empty space maybe even more valuable than the cash you got from it.

So that’s it. Also let it be known that I’m a complete pack-rat, yet can still have some free space available. That blurite sword isn’t going anywhere because I know I can never get it back if I get rid of it. Those purple sweets and firelights still sit there idly. If anything, I hope that helped at least someone.

Catching Up

This was a pretty decent weekend as far as playing goes. Not much progress as far as levels are concerned, though. Figured I’d use some of those Gold Charms that are just sitting in my bank taunting me and got up to 69 Summoning. There’s only a handful of things that really interest me about Summoning. I want the Hydra for the instant tree regrowth. I like the Beasts of Burden, the energy boost from Terrorbirds, the healing from Bunyips (also, I think I was the only one really excited about this because the Bunyip myths from down under have always been really interesting to me), but not that much more. I’m sure I’m under-utilizing this and maybe I’ll get more into it, but whenever I level and get something new, I’m not that excited about it. I do like that charms aren’t tradeable though. I need motivation to train cb every now and then.

Sunday morning clan trip was to Zamorak GWD. I’m getting more and more comfortable down at God Wars boss rooms. Zammy is probably the one that bothers me the least. We had 6, think we got about 25 or so kills. There’s really no danger unless you’re tanking or the boss switches and all of a sudden, you’re tanking unexpectedly. I tanked a few times (not all on purpose) and as long as you got brews and anti-poison, you’re fine. We split a Zamorakian Spear drop which was pretty cool. Roughly 190k each. With the other drops (coins, Wine of Zamorak noted, etc) I probably cleared100-200k after the cost of the trip. I’m used to losing money on these, which is fine because its fun, so it was kind of cool to get an expensive drop. With maybe 3 more, I can picture being able to stay down there for a long time. I’d love to see that coinshare pop up stating you just split a hilt.

Jax & TCA were nice enough to extend an invitation to a skiller’s only Stealing Creation game. I had always wanted to play this game, but my natural avoidance to most things PvP has kept me away. It was a pretty fun game, I liked that it seems to incorporate almost all skills. It took a few runs, but eventually I started to get the hang of it. Not sure how I’d like it with cb though. My main goals were pretty simple. 1) Check it out. 2) New music. 3) Get a pick for quick xp when hunting stars. I was kind of bummed when I did a star later on in the night that even though I had my SC pick equipped, I used the Inferno Adze because it was in my inventory from WC. Note to self, bank Adze before stars.

Duradel seems to love giving me Black Dragons and Suqahs. Suqahs are really annoying being that they don’t really drop anything. I came back from my last task of about 60 of them with one uncut emerald. Sure, I left about 5 Guams on the ground, but they didn’t even give one charm. I also used my last Astral Teletab so it looks like I’ll be heading back to the Great Orb Project soon. I should also restock Nature Teletabs as well. Both are incredibly useful when star hunting.

I’ve also been doing a lot of herb runs recently. 4 Snapdragon seeds are about 150k and I usually harvest around 30 Snaps selling them for about 250k. Not a bad profit for 5 mins of work and an hour of waiting by training something else. It’s actually helped break up my playing in a bit of a refreshing way. I usually check on a star, do a herb run, train a skill for an hour, herb run, do another skill for an hour, with hitting the stars in between. I also did a good amount of bank cleaning, freed up about 20 spaces as well as made some cash. I’ve tucked away a pretty good amount of gp, not sure what to spend it on though. Yeah it’d be nice to splurge on some Bandos Tassets, but I think I can get some good levels out of it. I’m just figuring out the cost effective way of doing it. Then after that, if I start focusing more on cb again, I’ll buy something nice.

For the past month, I’ve been at a client and they pump in easy listening. If I hear Mariah Carey, Coldplay or the Dawson’s Creek song again, I’m going to lose it. Then I’ll be put away some place like the Angry Room from A Soul’s Bane.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All Different Styles

I’m not sure why I can’t keep this updated on a regular basis. I believe its another symptom of the disease that I have which also prevents me from returning DVDs and library books on time.

I haven’t had a level in a little while. However, I seem to have set myself up for a weekend of possibly getting 10 levels. I’m about 26k away for Range, 24k from HP, 23k Mining, 22k Thieving, 7k RC, 20k Herblore, 50k Hunting, 50k Summoning, my next Farming run consists of all Magic and Palm trees so that should get me a Farming level and I’m only about 100k away from a Woodcutting level. However, I wouldn’t put it past me to be overwhelmed by the choice of what to work on and end up Fishing. It’s happened before.

One of the great things about this game is the many different sub-categories of gaming style which are available. From DIY, to pk, merching, skilling, etc. Even those can be broken down even further. I got into a discussion with a few friends last night about how we play very similar, although, completely different. I like to calculate and track how much xp each option gives, in correlation with its secondary use in another skill as well as value. Take Fishing for example. The fastest xp is Barbarian Training by Otto, however Monks give still a fast amount of xp, have pretty decent Cooking xp value, and sell for a decent amount. It benefits all the way around.

The opposing point of view is that they just did whatever activity until they leveled. I can’t do this. For some reason I need to know when I should be getting the level. I usually keep one eye on the xp countdown, doing the math at how much xp/hour it is and when I can expect it. I couldn’t just do something until I’m bored, then move on to something new, etc. The best part is there’s no right or wrong. I just couldn’t fathom doing that. For me that’s like being on a Slayer task and forgetting your gem; you need to bank, but maybe the next one is the last one, you never know!

There also seemed to be similarities in the ones who were on either side. People like me are kind of the types that have one eye on the TV or a movie, the other on the game. Which also lean more towards the “set-it-and-forget-it” type skills. Things like Fishing, Woodcutting, Cooking… The others which don’t watch TV, just focus on the game itself seemed to lean towards the more click-tastic of the skills. Hunting, Agility, along those lines… Personally, I don’t mind focusing all attention on the game once in a while for clan boss trips, slayer tasks, or whatever. I just don’t have it in me to play the clicky skills that much. I almost want to say it wears me out. It’s probably why my hunting level is so low. I do it to get that level (which I know will only take 1.5 hours), then I need to do something a little more calming afterwards.

I’m not saying these are across the board or even fact, just something I noticed in a conversation among a few friends. I’m sure you could break it down even further into more sub-categories if you tried. It’s interesting each player can carve our a little niche for themselves at which they want to excel. No matter how many times its explained to me, I can’t even begin to comprehend some of the charts/graphs of the merchanters and how to read how the market is changing, but they might not be able to comprehend my scratched out notes of equations, excel files, either.

It makes me wonder why there isn’t RS humor which starts out, “A skiller, a pker and a merchanter walk into a bar…”

Feel free to finish that in the comments if you come up with anything good, I’d love to hear it.