Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Got my 50th Slayer task yesterday. I think the reward was 250, if I remember correctly. Added Black Demons to my "never again" list. They're the first creature I ever put on there. I've been cancelling tasks more often recently. I've come to terms with the fact I'm just a little too weak for Waterfiends just yet.

In the past week I've gotten a Strength, Slayer, HP, Defence level, along with a few others. It's a great feeling when you can get a bunch of levels in a row, but it just means you aren't going to level for a while again.

There's a new Slayer monster coming out soon. You can give your name suggestion on the Official Runescape Forums. Its stated you'll need 78 Slayer to kill it. I'm about 20k xp from 75 at the moment. You know its going to drop something cool, and I want to be able to attack it when its released :)

Finally back home from a long work trip and hopefully can get a little more gametime in.

I need to do the new Missing my Mummy quest and reclaim my Questcape. I just don't seem to have the motivation.

I want to thank TCA for welcoming me aboard on Jax's recomendation. I love my old clan to death, they're amazing people. We just never do anything, and can't generate any attendance to planned trips. Which is sad, because group trips and teamwork are some of the most fun things to do in the game. I'm looking forward to new and exciting things!

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