Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why we do what we do

One of the Runescape sites I check out daily is Runescape Reader's Digest. It's updated on a pretty much daily basis and just points you in the right direction if you're looking for interesting articles pertaining to the game.

Today, Vaskor pointed to this article asking Runescape bloggers some questions regarding why we write what we write. I think its a really interesting idea, so I decided to follow suit. Also I'm borrowing his format because I think its quick and to the point. Hope you don't mind! ;)

Why did I start blogging?

I was looking up random Runescape information one day when I came across this blog. I had never seen a runescape blog before that didn't pertain to guides, tips or the dreaded gold farmers. It was personal. They had the same sort of playing style that I did, albeit they're a F2P mod and I'm a P2P layman. I loved reading about the interpersonal dynamics of playing a MMORPG (Runescape is the only MMORPG I've ever played). I fell in love with the fact that behind the stats, skills, quests etc, there are actual people with different political views, religions, cultures, everything, taking part in something. It was all new for me. From there I discovered more and more similar sites, mostly touching on gameplay, but each with a personal feel on it. I guess I just wanted a part of that.

What do I get out of it?

I've met a lot of interesting, amazing people that I might not have. It's nice just to have a record of things I've done, noticed, figured out or even just how I felt about certain things. It's something to look back on. Its interesting how we can change as people and players over time and sometimes we don't even notice it until we look at something we did, say, a year or so ago.

Tips to players who also wish to blog for runescape?

Write about anything you feel like writing about. What may seem just as an outlet to you, might be insipring or helpful to someone else, regardless of how trivial you think it may be. Much like the game, have fun with it. Don't make it 'work.'


Jax said...

Fix your links!

And you forgot to mention that blogging makes you forget that your beloved Eagles will once again finish at the bottom of the NFC East :P

G said...

Fixed! Thanks for the heads up!

Blogging does make me forget about the fact that my favorite team now employs Michael Vick and that the Phils relief pitchers can't save a game.

Eagles and Seahawks don't play each other this year, we'll just have to wait for the NFC championship. Also, that sounds like a fight between summoning familiars...