Thursday, October 22, 2009

All about Ardy!

New diary was just released this week. Achievement diaries might be my favorite things to look forward to in Runescape. When the Varrock Diary was released, I wasn't even close to having the levels required to complete it. It was amazing motivation go get my tail in gear, especially with Smithing and Farming.

The Karamja diary was my real motivator in training combat. Level 100 seemed so far away at that point, but it feels great when you finally get what you've been working so hard toward.

The Falador, Camelot and Lumbridge diaries didn't do much to motivate, I had all the levels needed when they were released. In a way, that has been the real motivation. I've been training my levels pretty evenly, trying to get them all to a decent level so that when the day comes where new diaries come out, I can plow through them then and there.

This is the first time they've released an "Elite" chapter of the diary. I love the motivation to get my Smithing (yet again) and Thieving up. I can do the Fishing and Runecrafting ones, the Thieving one is within pretty good reach but the Summoning one is like a punch in the head. 93? Mannnn... Laggy hotel internet connections have had me steering clear of all cb recently. Looks like I'll be doing some Slayer in the next few months.

One annoying thing about the diary, I realized the one monkey greegree I didn't own, was the one I needed. Having to do that again brought back all the memories I tried to suppress after Monkey Madness.

has a pretty sweet guide about doing the diary based on location. I wish I saw it sooner.

I'm dying to see what a Canifis diary would look like...

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