Saturday, October 9, 2010


I’ve taken to doing assists just when I see them. There’s far too many people offering 91 Herblore and 95 Crafting in world 117 to make it worth my while to do it everyday. Once I get those up higher and can offer what’s really in demand, I’ll go back. For now, I’ll take the bonus of just seeing people ask for it while I’m in the GE or Edge bank. Standing for an hour offering something 5 other people are offering drives me a little crazy.

My friend set up this gi-normous checklist of things to do in game, each with a set point value. It’s like a giant scavenger hunt. There’s probably over 100 items on the list ranging from “Make and fire every kind of bow you can up to your fletching level” to “Beat Jad.” Her and another friend decided we should all go to KBD and watch each other’s backs for 2 items on the list. “Solo KBD” and “Beat KBD without antifire.” I’ve never solo’d KBD before, at least not that I remember. I certainly never thought to fight him without antifire, on purpose.

Let me tell you, ALWAYS bring antifire. I felt like one of those kids on a youtube video, where they set something up and you just know its going to go horribly wrong, but they do it anyway. Luckily, I didn’t die, but constant hard hits had me down to 073 lp once (I have hatred of rings of life), even while spam clicking food. I killed it, but NEVER EVER do that. At least my friends were right there ready to bless on the other side of the lever. After that I banked, restocked, sipped my mega antifire pot and stood ready to bless while they did the same thing. Everyone made it safe, thankfully. Then, since the list states that every item on it must be done on its own (ie, can’t combine the two tasks in one kill), we took turns soloing with antifire which was much easier. Maybe I should have done it that way first. It was an interesting way to go about my first solo kill of it. All my other experiences were with a group where you barely need anti and rarely ever even get hit.

I've been getting some levels here and there. The last three were 89 Fletching, 87 Farming and 58 Dungoneering (tears). A few steps closer to the year end goal of 90+, but its going to take some serious buckling down and doing things I hate to get it. 80 hunting and 78 Agility seem like they’d take forever to get there, just because of my sheer aversion to them. 90 RC would mean roughly 300,000 Blood Runes. 10,500 trips to the abyss? 3 months? Ok maybe not. Ugh, maybe I’ll have to break down and do Ouriana, it’s a shame I hate being on Lunar. I hate not being able to alch.

I have to do the new quest, maybe I’ll tackle that tonight. Apparently you can upgrade your void armor. If I ever had void armor, that’d be awesome. I could never justify using it on anything aside from XP. However, maybe I’ll look into it if I’m going to be training my range for at least 3 more levels (currently 87).

Prayer at 83 is going to be a pain as well. Well, not so much a pain as it is just really freaking expensive. It’s either that or completely time consuming at Soul Wars.

I still haven’t been into a dungeon in a while. There’s been some large ones scheduled among my friends, but it always seems to be when I’m busy or as I’m falling asleep. I guess I should just do them myself because now that I think about, the ones I need are the ones most people rush through because of the higher levels. I have the level to do some higher floors, the issue is actually unlocking them. User error.

So much to do! I still need to get my ninja greegree back! I have no idea how I lost that thing. It’s not like its something I’d take to do anything else but agility.

This blog is actually going to be posted, unlike my last… 20 which have fallen to the wayside. You should see the blog graveyard. For everyone I post, I probably write about 15.

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