Friday, April 8, 2011

Through the roof... Underground...

I have been doing a lot of Dungeoneering this week. I’ll do it with a friend or two if they’re willing and have floors in common, but I mostly do solos. I’ll rush 1-20 then do a few smalls but mostly mediums. I know its not the most effective, plus I’m dying to get it to 80 and doing it slowly, but I hate relying on others. Also, most people online I know want to start large dungeons at 11pm when I get up for work around 6am. Somethings in the game just take way too long when involving a group of people. 3 rooms in someone dies so you reset, then someone has to leave abruptly, then this and that and I just don’t even want to deal with it when all I can think of is that I’m not going to get any sleep when I was coerced into it to begin with.

I put large dungeons on the level of Armady boss trips. It takes forever to get your kill count, then two other people sign on and want to join, but need help prepping and getting kc.

I know I’ll get responses like “I do larges all the time and it only takes me 30 mins and never had an issue” or whatever. Awesome. I’m stoked for you. Not my experience. Unless I have a giant amount of time to kill or feel the need to be annoyed by strangers, I’ll keep at it my way. Earlier in the week I unlocked the occult floors, which have actually been easier for me. I know I’m jinxng myself, but I like them. I got up to lvl 76 and I’m just shy of lvl 77.

I had been using my ring all wrong. I finally figured it out and charged my gathering up to tier 9. It was an expensive amount of tokens and the reason why I’m spending so much time in dungeons is that I want a CR. It’s alright though, because of a jagex mix up, you can uncharged it once and get your tokens back. Just once though. I’m treating it like I’m just putting them in the bank.

The null thing in the Adventure Log is really annoying. I haven’t come up to the surface enough to check out the Livid Farm thing yet. Vengeance Group sounds like it would be a pretty amazing spell, but it looks like it’ll have a pretty huge time requirement to unlock it. I'm sure I’ll look into it soon. B2P took a long time to unlock, but that was absolutely worth it. VG would be amazing for boss battles. Blessing up to 30 people with Vengeance would destroy almost anything.

Have an amazing weekend!

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