Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another xp weekend?

Mod Emilee confirmed it on RSOF that there will be more bonus xp weekends. No word yet of dates, time frames, or even how its going to be handled.

The last one had a lot of issues. The multiplier was wrong, announcing it a few weeks in advance caused the GE to go insane with herb and summoning second prices going through the roof. A lot of basic things were incredibly hard to get a hold of.

When this happens again, I think it'll go down a lot differently than last time. I've been thinking that they might just spring it on us. "BONUSXPWEEKENDGO!" In case, be constantly prepared. This would fight against all the GE price jacking which happened last time.

In thinking a little more about it, I came up with something new. What if bonus xp weekend was only 2x xp in Demonheim? Pretty much every skill is present there (Slayer?), everything is completely free, there's no cornering the market on seconds. On top of all that, its a great way to promote the new skill.

I also think this would even satisfy the ones who are against bonus xp weekends in general. There's so storing up and blowing through levels, instead its dragging every single resource out of every single dungeon. Making training Dung a little bit longer, but only a slight adjustment to other skills xp.

If it goes down like that, you heard it here first :)

What do you think?


Jasmine said...

I don't like it. Training skills in Daemonheim would still be slower than training in the overworld, so it would pretty much only matter for dungeoneering.

The biggest change I would make to the bonus xp weekend is that instead of doubling summoning xp, I'd double charm drops. I think that makes a lot more sense.

Avicile Mohaili said...

I think the double xp weekends should be themed somehow, like certain skills, and without a lot of warning to help with the insane GE crash... Although I was able to get my DFS for only 32m thanks to it :D

Vaskor said...

I personally like this idea. The modifier would have to be somewhat higher to entice people, though.