Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Good, The Banned and The Ugly

I toyed around with the new elite diaries a bit. I have to say it’s a little annoying concerning certain aspects of it. I made a few admiral pies and it still wasn’t registering. It wasn’t counting it because I was using the barbarian method to get the tuna. For some reason, that matters? Or I was standing too far away while making my magic long bow. (Making it next to where the magic trees are actually located doesn’t count? Lame.) Stupid, trivial things like that kind of take the fun out of it.

The rewards look pretty decent. I’m always up for more battlestaves, but it’ll be a while before I get even close to the prayer levels. I might have to go back and start playing Soul Wars again.

I’m close to a few levels and even closer to 2200 total. I’m under 100k xp from a Magic and Farming levels I think. Those should put me at that nice round number milestone. I’m surprised that all the elite diaries were released at once. I thought they’d milk a few weeks out of it.

I realized I got pushed waayyy back in hiscores because I missed the BXPW. Kind of sucks, but I guess I should have expected it. I just have to get back at it again. 4 months left in 2010 and I’m still trying to get my goal of 90+ by the end of the year. (Dungeoneering not included) Hunting and Agility are killing me though. I don’t even have them to 80 yet (Hunting is about 100kxp away from 80). Everytime I hunt it feels like I did it for 4 hours, but really its only about 20 mins.

I need 10 RC levels (well 11 because why stop at 90 when you’re that close to 91?) but I’m oddly ok with that. There’s something about running in and out of the abyss over and over that’s kind of calming. It’s weird, but I really don’t mind it. I’m not a big fan of the ZMI running, but maybe I’ll give that a shot for a bit.

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

I just want to do the elite diaries so that the equipment doesn't look so ugly. XD