Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Still Alive

I'm still alive. Life is ridiculously busy. I feel like every weekend since 2005 involves me going to a wedding... When I've been in the game all I've been doing is penguins and Soul Wars. So far I've gone 85-90 Prayer. I'm close to 91. It's taken weeks. Soul Wars clan chats are some of the most annoying I've ever been in.

However, 90 Prayer is a huge step in the 90+ quest. I'd love to get 95 for the diaries, but 92 would be great as well. It's just so slow and painful. And no, I don't have 100m to drop on it to make it faster. My bank has hovered around 300k for a long time now. I did manage 97 Attack which got me 134cb. I was pretty stoked on that.

I wish I had better things to report, but Soul Wars isn't really exciting. Slowly chipping away at Prayer levels...

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