Sunday, January 31, 2010


Work and training has me insanely busy. It's getting in the way of playing like I used to.

I managed to get 94 Woodcutting while reading, I was pretty stoked on that. Lately though, my gameplay has been "buy staves, let nomad kill me, rinse, repeat."

This is getting expensive.

I'll update when I have something more worthwhile to talk about or get to play more.

It's been an entire month without a cigarette. Kids, don't start, because quitting sucks.


GE Warlord said...

Awesome. It is GE Warlord of the RS Economist blog here. I smoked for 20 years, and haven't had a drag in 4. Keep it up. It gets easier, but you still feel that urge once in a while when one of your old triggers pops up.

G said...

Thanks so much! Its amazing how much the encouragement helps!