Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

I don't know what got into me, but I decided to try and kill Jad this weekend. It looks like I'm not alone in that either, turns out about 4-5 other friends got the itch as well.

I'm great at the waves now. I did it 4 times over Saturday and Sunday. Aside from Jad, wave 60 is the hardest. The trick is trapping the 180 behind one of the 90s. I got to Jad 3 of the 4 times, and he's killed me 3 of those 3 times. I can pray switch alright, but sometimes he fakes me out then when I go to eat, it takes a second for the pray switch to happen.

I broke down and bought arma plate and ranger boots and an archer's ring for the occasion. I'll sell them back *when* I defeat him.

Not much time to write, so I'll just show my goals for the year:
1)Reclaim Quest Cape and keep current with new quests
2)Beat jad's stupid face
3)All skills 90+
4)Reclaim Adze

I have about 4-5 quests left to go for the cape. The real part of that goal is trying to keep current with the new ones as they are released.

Jad, well, its personal now.

90+ is a pretty lofty goal. Most of my skills are in the 80s, with a handful in the 70s. The one in the 70s aren't the hardest to level (hunting, thieving, etc), I just need to sit down and do them. That's a goal of 100+ big levels, but its over 12 months. I'll have time I hope. If anything, its something to strive for. Also, this doesn't include the new skill to be released. We'll assess that when it comes out.

Adze - ugh I just need to do that stupid beacon thing again. Its been a couple months, I just hate it so.

Real life goals for 2010 - buy a house (been looking for months), quit smoking (currently dealing with this - not fun, but 5 days without one), finish the triathlon on memorial day weekend that I registered for.


Runescape Bits said...

Alex here from runescape bits... I wish you a happy new year aswell! and all the best for 2010!

I enjoyed reading your real life goals and find that I'm probably not the oldest here. Also, what are your goals for this blog in 2010? Don't you have any goals for your blog to reach a certain readership/popularity? Cheers!

G said...

Thanks for the comment.

No real blog goals. I've tried to set goals in previous years about writing more, but I'm completely comfortable about writing when I have something to write about rather than make a boring obligatory post. You should see the amount of entries I *don't* publish.

As for readership, I just hope that the people who read it enjoy it and get something out of it from time to time. I don't really care about the numbers too much.