Ok, a boring lunch break at the office led to a few things. What do I do when I get bored? Math, of course. I ran some numbers. As it stands right now at the moment, I have 107 Blue Charms, 1097 Crimson Charms, 235 Green Charms and 3940 Gold Charms.
I have seconds for these, with the exception of the crimson ones. I'm going to have to get some granite, but that's easy enough. Lets see if I can format this in a readable way...
Charm - Pouch - Second - Shards - xp each - Total Exp107 Blue Charms - Moss Titan - Earth Talis - 202 - 695.2xp - 74,386.4
1097 Crimson - Granite Lob - Granite - 166 - 325.6 - 357,183.2
3940 Gold Charm - Terrorbird - Bird Meat - 12 - 68.4 - 269,496
235 Green Charm - Hydra - Water Orb - 128 - 140.8 - 32,947.2
That's a total of 734,012.8xp. Using the conservative estimate of 2, brings it to 1,468,025.6xp. It also brings it to 281,076 shards used which has a price tag of 7,026,900gp. Of course, you can trade pouches back in for more shards. That'll get me about 5 Summoning levels and put me between level 85-86 (starting level 80).
Not bad, however making 4k birdie pouches is going to take a lot of time. I was thinking I need to organize even more that I realized initially. 10 hours is long, but that xp curve downward is sharp. It also doesn't decrease every half hour in stages, its decreasing as you go. That said, that first inventory of pouches is yielding more xp than your next one in 2 mins.
If I did all of those charms, there wouldn't be much for Herblore's bonus. I didn't want to mess around with making this pot here, than that there, etc. I sold almost all of my herbs and am sticking to making just Magic Potions. Focus on one thing, and its easier for me to work on that.
Some things need to be done this weekend in order to maximize the time used. First, I need to reorganize my bank. I need to move things around to free up a tab. I want all the bonus xp weekend things I need in the same place so that I don't have to waste even seconds looking for them. This is going to include my best range gear, dagon hai robes, spottier cape, boots of lightness, charms, pouches, shards, seconds, unf lantadyme pots, potato cactus, charged glories, dramen staff, adze, elf crystal, karamja gloves, cash, all teleport runes and rune essence.
Tuesday I'm going to plant and pay for my spirit & calquat trees. Wednesday I'm going to plant and pay for all of my other trees (5 Magic, 5 Palm). I'm hoping the Circus is somewhat close to a bank (please be edgeville), but am willing to doubt that it will be.
Plan is to wear boots of lightness, spottier cape and charged glory and park myself right next to that ticket booth when I log off on Thursday night. This way I log in, do the agility, tele to edge, bank get all my range gear, back to circus for range, bank, get my dagon hai robes, back to circus for mage.
Circus done, check.
After that's complete, I bank grab my Karamja gloves, cash, teleports, elf crystal so I can do a quick run checking all my trees. Not bothering to replant or even pick, just check health.
Grab my dramen staff and its off to Piscatoris to Summon. From here, I'll do all my Blue Charms first, then onto the Crimson ones. I might do green as well.
As I run back to the bank I'll start stuffing potato cacti into my unf lant pots until they're complete. Then, once they're all done, on to using the Gold Charms.
Once they're through, I've mainly gotten what I wanted to accomplish over with.
Deep breath.
The rest of the time I'll be taking relaxing strolls from edge into the abyss and making runes.
That's the plan for now. Strategy may change, but I think that's a pretty decent one.