Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Starry, Starry Night

I think I need to stop reading Runescape Forums. It’s like a den of negativity. No matter what the update, people will kick and scream about how they are against it. This week they came up with a few interesting distractions with the spy penguins, shooting stars and the circus, but it seems people are only concerned about the falling economy.

Yes, prices are going down. It might be because they will soon release new equipment, it might be that people are quitting members because of school starting again, it might be for another reason entirely. People keep asking Jagex to step in, regulate the economy and protect their “hard earned” money. I’ve touched before about how I feel about people who play this game only to get “rich.” It makes no sense to me. Why this is such a sore subject shows that people who play just play are getting fewer and further between. I notice increasingly more people standing in banks asking for price checks so they can show you every little thing in the bank so they can tabulate their “total worth.” I used to help people out with this, thinking maybe they just got an object for the first time and want to find out its value, or maybe they want to know how much they make at one run of something like Barrows. I understand that. Its just been so discouraging lately that now I don’t even bother to help, which in turn, makes me feel like I’m neglecting my own community.

The GE is player regulated, and I’m sure some have found ways of manipulating it. Be it intentional, or just impatience. What I can’t understand is the asking the creators of the game to step in and intervene. I’m not sure why they would even care. The RS economy, like all economies, is open to fluctuation. However, it differs in many ways. For starters, its not real. I know this comment can be taken the wrong way, but think about when a government steps in to help out with a recession or an inflation crisis. People can’t afford to eat, are being kicked out of their homes for not making payments, etc. This has no bearing in Runescape. The character you have created doesn’t need to eat to stay alive, unless in battle. He/she doesn’t make mortgage payments or pay the gas bill to keep the heat on. What people are complaining about are luxuries. Its like complaining that the price of a BMW has dropped by a couple thousand dollars. Why Jagex would have any concern because a godsword or a whip has dropped is just illogical to me. Neither of those things are necessary. Sure, they’re nice, but you can live in Gielinor, perfectly happy, without either.

I’m amused by the player predictions about the game, however. The picture in the advertisement banner is in red, so Dragon Platebodies will be released this week!! Simply said, but then taken and strewn as fact into other threads. Runescaper75 proved Dragon Platebodies are being released this week, therefore… One person’s theories are taken and used as references? Really? Where did he prove it? Maybe it’s the legal background I have, but I’m inherently skeptical about anything unless there is actual proof, and one person saying it based on an interpretation of a picture is hardly proof. Too keep some amused though, ok fine, I believe you. Dragon Platebodies are coming out, Sailing is the new skill, there’s a new Godwars Dungeon coming out, Rune & Addy dragons will come out, all of this.. by next Tuesday.

It’s also annoying to me about how people will complain about experience rewards. People complaining about getting 1k DEF experience on their F2P pure is ridiculous. God forbid that precious pure that you “worked so hard on” gets its Defense to level 2. If you don’t want the experience, don’t do the quest, its not that hard of a subject matter to grasp. I’ve stated before, experience gets precious at upper levels. A little here and a little there adds up. Don’t ask them to take quest rewards out of the game because its not what your fifth account precious F2P pure with 50 STR wants.

Sorry for venting and the negativity, I just needed to get it out there. On positive notes, in the past week I’ve gotten four Woodcutting levels and eight Firemaking levels. I’m also up to 775 Agility Arena tickets and I can’t wait to cash them in. I realize you don’t get that much xp from doing the course, just the tickets. Cashing in 1k would get me to 69 or 70 Agility, so I’m thinking about switching to Ape Atoll after that. I haven’t done the circus event yet and I’ve only found one penguin, but I really like the shooting star update. Sure, about 7 friends and I scoured Kandarim for about forty minutes and found nothing (which I don’t understand, I’d expect to at least find a group of people around it), but I did find two yesterday. Got about 25k, 10 gold ore, 70 Cosmics and 20 Astral Runes from the first and 33k, 15 gold ore, 93 Cosmics and 33 Astral Runes from the second. Plus a bunch of Mining experience for barely any work. It’s fun, like hide & seek. Go check it out!

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